We provide top quality #1 size clumps that are guaranteed to grow and produce at least one viable eye, often times they will produce more!
We guarantee the dahlia tubers to be true to name and free from disease.
The dahlias should emerge from the soil 4 or 5 weeks after planting and produce a healthy plant. If dahlias do not grow, please dig them up and contact us immediately, we do not offer cash refunds, but promise to replace the failed tubers the following spring.
Our dahlias are field grown in Ontario, Canada, and are ready to grow in any North American garden.
Each tuber clump is packed individually in a labelled bag. We reserve the right to bulk pack larger quantity orders.
Detailed growing instructions will be sent along with each order, so whether you have grown dahlias for years or are just starting you will be sure to have a pleasant experience.
Attached with each order will be detailed growing instructions. For more details, check out our page on how to grow and care for your Dahlias. Here are the basic steps to growing nice dahlias.
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